

2023 RESOLUTIONS COME TRUE Happy new year guys! Of course new year has to be new me. In 2023, I have a lot of targets. But of all the targets, the most important is to enter the Faculty of Medicine at Padjadjaran University. Sounds very stressful doesn't it? Well, I think getting into a medical school at a university anywhere won't be easy. The medical faculty has a very large number of enthusiasts from various islands in Indonesia. The competition is also very fierce starting from the competition for money, positions, and knowledge.  To be honest I'm not one who is too diligent or dead studying, but I am learning according to my target. I have always instilled in myself that every human being has his own sustenance. But trying your best is everyone's obligation, isn't it? No matter what the opportunity will be, at least we have tried. The way to achieve my goals is to monitor the situation. What does it mean to monitor the situation here? As we already know, we def


 News Item Project  The following is my group project. You can also read the news to add insight into the current state of the ocean on earth. Here are some questions related to the text. You can answer it yourself or with your friend 😊 1. What caused the danger in marine life? 2. What the text tells about? 3. What could possibly happens to humans if the marine lifes in danger? 4. How about the structure of the text? 5. According to experts, when we could lose the coral reefs most?


My Future Plan Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. At this moment I will tell you about my future plan. Many people at my age already have plans for their future. So am I, I also have my own future plan. Honestly, my future plan is not that interesting and may be called mainstream. I just want to graduate from high school with a perfect score. After that, I want to enter medical school at Padjadjaran University and become a successful doctor who can help many people around me. My sister is the one who inspired me to be a doctor. I know that it is not easy to enter medical school. I have watched how hard my sister studied and how often she cries if she failed her test. But my sister told me, how hard it feels I have to enjoy it, cause that is the process and the process is not repeated twice. Besides my sister, I also really enjoy biology subjects at school. And glad to know that my biology score is not that bad. There's so much that I have to do. I have to study more, improve


  THIS IS ME! Hello everyone! My name is Nur Rofa Ekawati, but you guys can call me Rofa. Now I study at SMAN 3 Bandung and I'm in 11th grade, to be exact 11 SCIENCE 7. I'm practically a cheerful person haha. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing, I would definitely move around a lot and talk a lot even if it didn't have to. But don't worry, I still can understand the atmosphere and not be reckless.  Do you curious about my hobbies? Yeah even if you're not curious, I'll still tell you my hobbies hahaha. Oke oke we should start. So my hobbies are reading book and listening to the music. I know, i know, it's a classic hobby. But you should know that reading book and listening to the music are that fun. If I felt bored or down after a tremendous amount of strenuous activity, reading a book or listening to music can recharge my energy t___t  I'll tell you the title of my favorite book is The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. My